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About Us

Young Israel of Oak Park, a modern orthodox congregation, is conveniently located at the very center of Metro Detroit’s Orthodox Jewish community, and draws its membership from three adjacent cities; Huntington Woods, Oak Park and Southfield.  These neighborhoods are all a short distance to numerous amenities of the Orthodox Jewish lifestyle including the Mikva, kosher restaurants, supermarket and bakery.  YIOP prides itself on being a community shul and is comprised of members with a multi-generational history at our congregation as well as those new to the city or Young Israel of Oak Park. 


Our educational programs include children and adult programming including Daf Yomi, Monday night Beit Midrash, Parsha shiur for women, Thursday night learning with cholent,  scholar-in-residence programs through out the year, and Bnei Akiva and NCSY  programs.

Prayer & Worship

YIOP offers two daily minyanim for Shacharit, and one for Mincha and Maariv. On Shabbat morning there are two minyanim, a teen minyan, Shabbat groups for younger children and an infant/toddler room with paid staff.

Social Activities

We also come together for social events such as trivia and Bingo nights, Detroit Symphony Orchestra concerts, baseball games, an occasional comedy night and other outings. YIOP has an active millennial social group for young professionals.




Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785